Saturday, January 26, 2013

Simple HTTP Server Programming

Simple HTTP Server

Prerequisites : Socket and thread programming

HTTP is a protocol used for communication between a browser and a web server.

How HTTP works : When you type in  a URL in the browser and click GO the browser extracts the host-name section and uses DNS to obtain the IP address of the web server that host the web site. The browser then uses this IP address to form a TCP connection to the web server. The browser sends HTTP request to retrieve a specific page. If the page exist the server responds by sending the copy of the page in the HTTP response (response code - 400). If the file doesn't exists in the server, the server send  HTTP response containing a response code 404 (Not Found Error Message).

HTTP Request

  The request message syntax:
  • Request line, for eg :  GET /images/logo.png HTTP/1.1
  • Headers
  • An empty line.
  • An optional message body.
  Example of a simple HTTP request:
    GET / HTTP/1.1

Line 1 : "GET" indicates the request method used . Other methods are PUT, POST etc
     "/" indicates the requested page, here its the root page i.e index.html
     "HTTP/1.1" version of HTTP used
Line 2 : "HOST" host to which request is send
"" IP address of host
"2003" is the port used

More about HTTP request and headers can be found at

HTTP Response
The response message consists of the following:
  • A Status-Line
  • Headers
  • An empty line
  • An optional message body
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-type: text/html
 <p>Congrats !! your HTTP server is working.</p>

Explanation :
Line 1 : "HTTP/1.1" HTTP version used
"200" status code
"OK" description of status code
Line 2 : "Content-type: text/html" indicates type of the file.
Line 3 : HTML code of the page

More about HTTP response and headers

HTTP status code

/*------------------------------Simple HTTP Server----------------------------*/

#include <netdb.h>

#define BUFF_LEN 1028

pthread_t c;

/* HTTP response and header for a successful request.  */
static char* ok_response =
  "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
  "Content-type: text/html\n"
  " <body>\n"
  "  <h1>Header</h1>\n"
  "  <p>Congrats !! your HTTP server is working.</p>\n"
  " </body>\n"

void * serve_client(int tsd)
int k;
char buff[BUFF_LEN]; //used to store the HTTP request
printf("[Server : %d].\n",tsd);
printf("[Server : %d] recv() failed.\n",tsd);
else printf("[Server : %d] recv() OK .\n",tsd);

// Printing the HTTP request recieved
printf("[Server : %d] Recieved : %s\n",tsd,buff);

/* Actual HTTP server does some processing and responds accordingly.
* Here I have just send a HTTP response.

//Sending the HTTP response
write (tsd, ok_response, strlen (ok_response));

printf("[Server : %d] going to pthread_exit().\n\n",tsd);

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{ char buff[100];
int k;
socklen_t len;
int sock_desc,temp_sock_desc;
short port;
struct sockaddr_in server,client;

printf("[Server] Start . Next memset()\n");

printf("[Server] memset() OK . Next socket()\n");
printf("[Server] socket() OK . Next bind()\n");
port = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 3001; //default port : 3001

k=bind(sock_desc,(struct sockaddr*)&server,sizeof(server));
printf("[Server] bind() failed.\n");
else printf("[Server] bind() OK . Next listen()\n");

printf("[Server] listen() failed.\n");
else printf("[Server] listen() OK . Next accept()\n");


temp_sock_desc=accept(sock_desc,(struct sockaddr*)&client,&len);
printf("\n[Server] accept() OK .\n");

printf("[Server] Client IP : %s.\n",(char*)inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr));
printf("[Server] sock_desc : %d.\n",sock_desc);
printf("[Server] temp_sock_desc : %d.\n",temp_sock_desc);

* Start a thread to server each client.
pthread_create( &c,NULL,(void *)serve_client, (int *) temp_sock_desc);


return 0;

/*------------------------------End Of Program----------------------------*/

Working :

This programs waits for a client to connect and then starts a thread to serve the client.
This thread recieves a message(HTTP request) from the client and sends a HTTP response
to the client.

A real HTTP server does more than this. It includes

  • checking if the requested file exist and send response accordingly.
  • Integration of Server side scripting languages like PHP,ASP,JSP.etc
  • status code based actions
  • caching
  • and so on

By parsing through the HTTP request the requirements of the client can be understood and
required output can be generated.

Compiling and running :

  1. Copy the code and paste it in a file,say "server.c"
  2. compile : gcc server.c -lpthread
  3. run : ./a.out 2001
  4. In browser :