Thursday, August 1, 2013

Defense Against ARP Poisoning

Defense Against ARP Poisoning

The main reason why ARP Poisoning occurs is because the victim does not authenticate the ARP replies coming from a malicious user. As a result the ARP cache in the victim's PC contains invalid IP to MAC mapping and packet are sent to the attacker or dropped.

Defense in small networks

To view the current entries in the ARP table

To add an entry in the ARP as static/permanent
   victim#arp -s <ip_Address> <MAC_address>
The ARP replies send by the attacker don't effect the static entries in the ARP. The ARP replies are recieved by the victim but they don't affect the statically entered ARP.

To delete an entry in the ARP table
  victim#arp -d <ip_address>

The mapping can be stored in a file and given as input to "arp" if there are too many entries.
Create a file with the entries in the following syntax
. .
. .
 victim#arp -f <file>

But the table is cleared everytime the system boot or the network is reset.

To make the entries load into table, everytime the network adapter is turned UP.
create a file in the /etc/network/if-up.d/ directory with the following syntax

   arp -i eth0 -s <ip_address> <mac_address>

make it executable
  victim# chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/<file>
comes to effect only after reboot.

Also if you dont want to accept ARP replies from anyone.

  victim# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_accept

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